My sweetheart has gone on a long overdue trip abroad (her maiden trip) and I am here all alone waiting for her to return to me and into my arms.
Now, I have got used to a certain life style. This includes my work life, family life and my almost three year old personal life (read love life). If you ask me to put it in order of importance, it’s exactly the opposite of how I have stated it above. My friends are in there somewhere between my family life and work life.
At my age and stage, I cannot confidently convince everyone (including my sweetheart) that I have become almost inflexible, when it comes to changing any part of this routine. Yet, I want everyone to know that I find it very hard to deal with any change that might not be brought about from within me or with my prior consent.
While it is because of this change in routine that I decided to give blogging (creative writing) a chance, I’m not sure I will admit that any change is appreciated by me (refer the rule above in bold).
I confess that her trip and the idea of her being away from me was not welcomed with open arms. However, I have, in this past week, realized what it means to be waiting for the return of a dear one. Especially since there are so many good and bad things that have happened in this short time, which I would want to share with someone.
While I continue to get a bitter taste of the medicine till she returns (14 days from today), I have learnt how my sweetheart waited for me to return from all my travels, so patiently. Where I have so easily shown my displeasure, frustration, irritation and annoyance over various matters, she stood by and smiled at me and waved me good bye and welcomed me with an even wider smile.
Some would say modern technology (Gtalk, Skype, hand-phones) can be considered a boon in such cases, I would say its equally baneful, since we have ended up fighting or bickering over petty issues constantly rather than using this technology to allow ourselves to continue enjoying at least the small joys that formed part of our daily routine.
However, there is very little that I / we can do about this now, besides wait for things to get back to normal. In the mean while, I have to try and channel all my energy into creative things and hence, I will continue to try and write over the next 14 days (at least) and if possible even after that.
Please note: Long distance relationships are hard. Hats-off to those who have tried and succeeded. Rest assured, once my sweetheart returns, I promise that unless it is unavoidable, I will not allow her to leave me for even the shortest trip or go on any trip without her.
I love you and miss you.